
A Letter to A Friend who Broke Up with A Loved One


We go through life waiting for things, for moments, for persons. In the middle of this, don’t we all become doubtful at a certain point? If not for the grace and kindness of our God, we’d surely fall straight into the miry clay and we will never recover.

I remember the spark in your eyes when you met this man and the giddy feeling you were trying to suppress. You talked about your shared interest for food. At times, it would be about your adventures. And of course, there was that day when you finally said yes. As a friend, I’d listen to the stories but I’d also ask questions. That is what a friend does — ask and ask. I never wanted to snatch the freedom of choice from your hands. That is a gift from God. I set aside my opinion, leaving it to the Lord to help you with one of the most important decision in our lives — choosing a partner for life. And I prayed that God’s will be upon your life.

Today, your message popped in my screen. You called it quits. Was it the same issue about belief in God? I did not ask. I’ll reserve the questions after the tide has subsided and you no longer feel like drowning. After all, I understand that there are times our emotions overpower us. I don’t have an experience of breaking up with a loved one. But recently I developed a fondness for a man. Yes, our emotions can get strong but it doesn’t have to enslave us.

One of my favorite verses which is from Songs of Solomon says, “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm.” These were the words of the bride to her beloved asking him to keep her, not just anywhere, but in his heart. Sometimes we say this to people and demand that we be first in their hearts. But these words are meant to be addressed to God. He is the one who can securely keep us. If you are grieving and looking for a place of security, come to our God. He has kept you and “stored your tears in a bottle (Psalm).”

I don’t know if you’ll get back together or if he shall suddenly change his beliefs. Those things are in God’s hands now. Please know that in the shade, under the sun, or during the rain, I’ll be your friend and I’ll pray for you.


With high hopes,

Your equally waiting friend

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