
The Trouble with Conscience

There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. – Anonymous

A troubled conscience results to a lack of confidence. That is why God tells us to keep a clear conscience. Our main task is not to bring order to everything. This is a real and pressing struggle for many women. Isn’t it true that we get agitated when a visitor has to come to our house? Imagine how the morning works? Sometimes we lose peace over the clutter of the kitchen. In our pursuit to make a perfect breakfast, maintain a spic and span floor, put everything in its place, we forget about our hearts.

We are not the first to bring order in our lives. It is God. We cannot perform our own heart surgery. Somebody must do it for us. So what is our part? When we get filled with resentment, hate, envy, or jealousy what do we do? In the stillness, we must hear God.

The word “comfort room” took a whole new meaning in my life when I began to spend short time inside it to pray. My sisters and I share a room and it was hard to find an intimate corner. Every morning, for a particular season in my life, I’ll go to our bathroom to pray. I have never loved cleaning the floors that much. It was an unlikely altar.

We keep our conscience clear by opening our hearts to God and by diligently doing the things that we ought to do. If you are a student, study well. If you are a professional, work excellently. If you are a wife, serve your husband in love. If you are a mother, enjoy every moment with your children. Doing things is not a solution for all our sinful emotions but it is taking responsibility for our part.

When we keep our hearts open to God, we must learn to wait. Sometimes the painful emotion that comes with the sins of resentment, hate, envy, and jealousy would not go away easily. There are many times that we have to endure. But know that when we keep our conscience clear, God is doing his surgery even if we retain painful emotions. God will never allow us to feel something he has not given us a capacity to endure.

Keep it clear by diligence.

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